Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Serving in the United States Military Essay - 1142 Words
Serving the United States Military comes with many responsibilities as well as pressure and accountability. However, the military isn’t for everyone, but it offers so much for those who serve. One thing that must be known and dealt with is that this career could be a life threatening one, and there are many obstacles one must go through beforehand. Joining the military isn’t all about wanting to carry a weapon or looking good in a uniform it’s about everyone doing their job to their best trained abilities. There are many reasons for joining the armed forces. Protection of the country, loved ones, and rights of the citizens are all included. Some have never been a part of something bigger than themselves and it’s great for†¦show more content†¦First of all, basic requirements must be met such as, age, certain level of education, aptitude, physical and character requirements. One must be the age of 18 to enlist alone but 17 year olds must have their parents’ consent. A high school diploma must have been earned as well as being a United States Citizen. Certain qualities such as mental preparedness, physical fitness, and readiness are all qualities a member must have to be successful. These qualities will help keep the member mentally stable and be able to handle stressful situations as well as be ready to report for any military assignment. The last but most definitely not least requirement is passing of the ASVAB test. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is an academic, timed test meant to gauge the ability to learn a new profession usually made available to all high school juniors. The score received on the ASVAB is the percentage of the people that the test taker has done better on the test than. For example, scoring a 61 would mean the test taker was more successful on the test than 61% of the people that have already taken the ASVAB. It’s all a huge competition to see who qualifies for the harder j obs. In order to pass the test a 32 is required and a perfect score would be a 99. Unfortunately, the ASVAB is just one loop that must be jumped through. (AFBMT) If the ASVAB was not taken in high school then it will be taken at MEPS. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits of Serving in the United States Military1105 Words  | 5 Pagesto know that serving in the military comes with many benefits that service members can use in their everyday lives However, there is what many people consider drawbacks, as many people feel that the restrictions and limitations to these benefits make them almost impossible to enjoy. Despite its drawbacks, serving in the military comes with great benefits, including medical, educational benefits and more. Healthcare is a huge benefit to military members. One major advantage of military healthcareRead MoreThe United States Armed Forces Essay865 Words  | 4 Pagescurrently 2,204,836 people serving in the United States Armed Forces. 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